The weekend Condensed

I didn’t get to post yesterday, so today’s photos represent Saturday and Sunday. I joined a group of photographers from the Carolina Nature Photography Association on a field trip to Donnelly WMA in the Ace Basin early Saturday morning. The photo of the early morning mist on the Ashepoo River was taken from the bridge on Highway 17. The other photo was taken this afternoon at Matt’s soccer game. It’s still too cold and windy. February is not a very pleasant and although it’s the shortest month of the year, it feels as though it’s lasted a very long time. Roll on Spring.

Welcome to the Weekend

The week is over and the weather for the weekend, although cool should be fairly sunny. Hopefully I will have some neat wildlife or landscape images to upload tomorrow since I’m heading down to the Ace Basin with a group of other photographers early in the morning. We are hoping we will see some Canada Geese, Tundra Swans and other migratory birds before they head back north. Today’s pics are of Sunrise Park this evening. The one taken under the new dock was given the oil filter treatment (as in art, not as in car.)

And now for something completely different

The other night Josh asked if I would take a wacky photo of him for a magazine assignment he had for one of his college classes. So I picked my fisheye lens and we produced a wacky photograph. The fun part is what he did with it. I had a different photo in mind for today, but he emailed me his completed assignment this evening and I just had to feature his before and after instead. He is a talented young man.

I think I have Spring Fever, whatever that may be. I just know that I’m so ready for a change – definitely a change in the weather. Tonight Leigh, Josh, Matt, Chambers and Alex came over for dinner. They know the routine by now – Mom needs her photo-of-the-day – so here it is. My appearance thanks to tripod and timer technology!

It was not a bad Monday as Mondays go. Nothing much to report, so won’t take up space with fluff. Today’s pic is in deference to the Fairness Doctrine as it applies to life. Some images might be pleasing or entertaining in one way or another, and some are just representative of the humdrum, ho-hum daily grind, such as this one – a homeowners association board meeting in progress. Photo courtesy of our long-suffering property manager.

A day for keeping warm indoors

Today was cold and windy again so aside from church in the morning, lunch at Barberito’s with all the kids and a brief spell along the sidelines of Matt’s soccer game, I spent the day playing with a new art technique for my photography. These photos were not taken today, but were re-processed today as part of my experimentation. I will print a couple on canvas and see how they turn out. Had a really nice dinner last night downtown at McGrady’s – food and company were great. Thanks Skip.

Dan the Chili Man

I know I should have done this yesterday, but I didn’t get to it. I can’t resist posting this picture of Dan all decked out for the GEL chili contest. I wish he’d won (he should have been awarded a special “spirit prize” or something) but Bob’s RR Brunswick Stew was a most worthy winner, and everyone had a great time. Pass the Tums please ….
Happy Valentine’s Day by the way!

Today was a better day ..

Not great, but better. We are still working on some unresolved issues, but that’s ok. Dad always said to sleep on stuff (paraphrased) and not be in a hurry to act. Good advice. Tonight I’m cooking up a storm in the kitchen because we have a soup and chili contest at work tomorrow lunchtime. This has become an annual tradition, and competition for the title of chili champion by popular vote is fierce. Lots of rivalry, provocative emails going back and forth. Well tomorrow it will be decided (at least for another year) and so may the best “man” win. Funny how things have flip-flopped. Men have definitely evolved in this area over the years. My father’s generation never set foot in the kitchen and I’m still not sure whether he knows how to boil an egg to this day. (Dad, if you’re reading this feel free to rebut!)
Today’s photos feature the fresh produce section of my local Publix.

Glad to see the back of today

Days at work are usually upbeat and positive. Today was neither. Yes, there’s a lot going on, and sometimes the pressure gets to you, but that’s still no excuse for a responsible adult to throw a tantrum worthy of a 5-year-old and take it out on a luckless peon with the misfortune to be close by – that would be me. Oh well, I’m sure there are many folks out there with much bigger problems. There are many at the moment who would just be happy to have a boss, whether he showed his behind occasionally or not. However, I’m just glad to have today behind me. The photo is of some of the music gang that got together over at Russ and Jackie’s tonight.

Left to right Jenny, Adam, Jackie, Bruce, Linda, Josh M, Russ, Dan, Josh J, Leigh, Melissa and Dillon.

Seems I skipped Monday again – hmmm..

Apparently I am typically not inspired to blog on Mondays. It was busy although I did get to swim and eat a great taco dinner with Diane. This evening I met with Meaghan of the SC Maritime Heritage Foundation to brainstorm about their 2009 Harborfest photography needs. We came up with some fun ideas, such as have your kid photographed with a pirate on a tallship. It will be a great event and they are expecting some really wonderful tallships. I was casting around for my photo of the day while waiting for Meaghan outside California Dreaming, and this puddle with the reflected neon sign caught my eye.