Time to replenish the sausage inventory

It’s been a South African tradition for years – making homemade boerewors (literally translated “farmers sausage”.) When we first moved to the USA, we knew we needed to be self-sufficient in terms of ongoing supplies of this ethnic delicacy. Since it is quite a production; buying the meat, skins, spices, and then grinding it, stuffing it, bagging it, etc., we make at least 60 pounds at a time. Those involved are well-trained, and have specific skills. Mine is feeding the ground meat into the grinder consistently so that the skins are filled evenly, efficiently and with no airlocks. OK – more than you ever wanted to know about making homemade sausage.

Sunday Soccer

And so another weekend draws to a close. This afternoon (amongst other things) we watched Matt’s scrimmage. There were those who played (uh?) and then there were those future players who cheered from the sidelines.

Philip Simmons, Master Blacksmith

I had to run an errand downtown today and this gate on South Battery caught my eye. It is the work of the late Philip Simmons. The white ribbon is in deference to his recent passing, and you can spot them all over downtown Charleston at the moment. RIP

A perfect day for the beach

Today was HOT. I was obliged to make my weekend daily pilgrimage to the dog park, but it had to be earlier than I would have liked, and it was unbearable. For Logan it was fine, since he made a beeline for the lake and sat down in 6 inches of water, but the humans just sweltered. Note to JI County Parks people – next dog park upgrade needs to provide shade! Later on, I met a family down at the Morris Island end of Folly Beach and we took some photographs. Here is one of them.

Another work week is over

I haven’t been sleeping that well, and when I have slept I’ve been dreaming very weird dreams – the kind that are so realistic that they stay with you all the next day. Funny how that goes. You don’t dream (that you can remember) for ages, and then all of a sudden your brain kicks into overdrive while you sleep. Anyway tonight I am taking no chances, and right now the Benadryl is taking effect so I’m wrapping this up. Pictures are of an interesting mailbox and the downtown King Street Grocery store – both taken while running errands ealier.