Sure was a perty weekend in Charleston

Wow, it just seemed like everyone came out of hibernation and got busy with all kinds of spring stuff. There were folks gardening, folks cleaning out garages, walking and running in the parks; everyone enjoying the great weather. Matt’s first soccer game of the season took place this afternoon, so here are a couple of pics of my boy #11. Now back to thinking about getting all my tax info together. Just thinking about it for now however.

Another great Saturday in Charleston, SC

We didn’t count on an intense haze which resulted from the arrival of a warm front in Charleston. Double edged sword; great weather, welcome warmth but visibility was pretty limited. Probably didn’t get many photos worth much. Oh well – win some and lose some. Anyway, here’s one that I liked. There aren’t many photos of Folly Beach and Morris Island that I don’t like. The other photo is of doggy heaven on Pam and Bubba’s boat where we enjoyed some sundowners later in the day.

It’s warmer and it’s the weekend ..

The week was good, but the weekend is always better. I’m looking forward to getting some chores done. One is already behind me, and that was replacing my old wireless router and getting a new one up and running. I am happy to report that it works great. One of tomorrow’s chores will be to produce an order of 12 packs of notecards by next week. First thing though will be to get some more aerials in the early morning light, so I’m looking forward to that. Just hope Jay won’t be out partying too late tonight (:
I don’t have a photo for today, so I’ve posted one from yesterday of an old building on George Street. Great textured stucco walls.

It’s still freezing – someone shoot that groundhog

I am so ready for the Spring. I’m tired of feeling cold and tired of my winter clothes. That’s the great thing about seasons; every one is embraced with great enthusiasm as it approaches, and dispatched with distaste as it leaves. In putting together newsletters at work I am always looking for snippets to fill in empty spaces, so I come across some really neat quotes. Here’s one that I found today from the great Dr. Seuss that I thought was cute “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter won’t mind. ” This morning I had work errands to run downtown. I liked this view of buildings on Broad Street because of the color, and also because of the reflections in the glass.

Newsflash – Global Warming is a hoax

I was unprepared for the Charleston temperature today. The sneaky, freezing wind didn’t help matters either. Not a good day for me to have left my jacket at home, particularly since there were several errands that needed to be run. (Don’t you just love visiting the DMV?) Anyway, I hadn’t noticed anything obviously worth photographing all day, so I stopped in at the Ripley Marina on my way home and stayed out of the car long enough to snap this couple (in sensible coats) walking their dog. Tomorrow is Thursday already and almost time for another weekend. Hopefully I’ll be back in the air early Saturday morning if the weather holds and if we can get the pilot out of bed. We’ll have to work on a different kind of pilot training program involving coffee and food maybe.

You get what you ask for

So this is what you get when you ask kids to make funny faces and then you take a photograph with a fisheye lens. This photo-a-day thing is making me crazy and you can see how obviously desperate I am to keep to my commitment. OK I missed yesterday, but surely this one counts at least for two, right? So here we have Leigh, Matthew and Chambers. Not very good-looking in this pic, but a loveable trio.

Commercials in 3D

So we watched “The Boss” for a couple of minutes, and parts of the Superbowl game, which I believe the Steelers won, not having stayed for the end. Here’s a pic of some of the gang watching a commercial with 3D-glasses. Whatever!

OK – this is not art

I said I would take a photo a day, not produce works of art. So here are today’s photos, taken during a very bad game between the SC Stingrays and the Florida Everblades where the Rays lost by a lot – I lost count.

Here comes the sun ….

Funny this blog thing. You type, you click a button, and whoosh off it goes into cyberspace and sits out there somewhere – available for viewing by anyone. Thank goodness I don’t have to understand how these things work in order to appreciate them. Here’s an illustrative story for you. Einstein, it is said, was once asked by a layperson to explain how radio works.
“Well,” he said, “first I need to explain the telegraph. The telegraph is like a giant cat. The cat’s head might be in New York, and the cat’s tail in London. You pull on the tail in London, and the cat meows in New York. That’s the telegraph. “The radio is just like that. Only there’s no cat.”

Anyway Mum, thanks for keeping me accountable and for checking this. It’s just been so dreary that there was honestly nothing to photograph for the past couple of days, and I was too busy to create something. Here, though is what the sky looked like when I got home from work today.