Glad to see the back of today

Days at work are usually upbeat and positive. Today was neither. Yes, there’s a lot going on, and sometimes the pressure gets to you, but that’s still no excuse for a responsible adult to throw a tantrum worthy of a 5-year-old and take it out on a luckless peon with the misfortune to be close by – that would be me. Oh well, I’m sure there are many folks out there with much bigger problems. There are many at the moment who would just be happy to have a boss, whether he showed his behind occasionally or not. However, I’m just glad to have today behind me. The photo is of some of the music gang that got together over at Russ and Jackie’s tonight.

Left to right Jenny, Adam, Jackie, Bruce, Linda, Josh M, Russ, Dan, Josh J, Leigh, Melissa and Dillon.

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