Gullah Culture and Slavery

This evening I am better educated about the origins and scope of the Gullah culture, and also the history of slavery in America, specific to the Drayton family and Magnolia Plantation.  This morning, Anita Singleton-Prather gave a rousing presentation on all things Gullah at the Slave Mart on Chalmers Steet, enlisting the participation of all attendees, both willing and reticent.  She is a wonderful performer and it is hard to remain detached from her engaging personality, even for those who had initially no plans to become part of the show.
Later in the day, I stopped by Magnolia Gardens where Joe McGill (of The Slave Dwelling Project) had put together a living history day entitled “Inalienable Rights:  Living History through the Eyes of the Enslaved”.  There were cooking and blacksmithing demonstrations, lectures and story-telling. Here are a few images of both events.