Highly Preferable Alternative to the I-26

The more often I drive the I-26 between Charleston and Asheville the more I am amazed at the dreadful driving practices of many motorists.  Cars bunched together with less than 20 feet between them, traveling at 80+ miles per hour doesn’t give much room for error or momentary lapse of concentration.  Then all it takes is for one impatient motorist to rush up from behind and try and squeeze himself/herself in between an already impossibly small gap to result in carnage and misery for countless people.  Enough already, so on the way home from North Carolina I left the craziness just south of the I-77 interchange and enjoyed the rural South Carolina countryside along the SC 176 for the next couple of hours drive back to Charleston.  Much more scenic, much safer, and much less stressful.  Here are some images from stops I made along the way.

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