Final Sitka images before leaving for Oregon tomorrow

Sitka is a magical place – very “user-friendly.”  Everywhere is accessible, the people are friendly, it’s very hard to get lost, the weather has been great – a bit of everything.  People make jokes about the weather in Alaska, something like the jokes emblazoned across many t-shirts referencing a “drinking town with a fishing problem”, but we have been so fortunate.  We disembarked from the Liseron yesterday and felt like abandoned children.  We had come to love our temporary boat home and the crew that made it all work so well.  Anyway, since then, we have walked all over the town, explored the Sitka National Historical Park with all its totem poles, observed all the fishing activity, etc.  Here are a few more images from our last two days here.  Tonight it’s time to pack again, and on to the Oregon coast tomorrow.
Sitka National Historical Park

Sitka National Historical Park

Totem pole in Sitka National Historical Park

Waterfront View from our hotel, Totem Square Inn

A favorite boat tied up in Sitka harbor

St. Michael’s Cathedral, Russian Orthodox Church

US Coast Guard vessels tied up in Sitka on the other side of the channel