Prayers for Georgetown, South Carolina

Georgetown has been hit hard by Hurricane Florence in the form of a double whammy.  The first time around, they experienced some flooding as the Hurricane came onshore a little to the north of them, but since then it has been a nail-biting wait while officials and weather experts calculate the pending impact of secondary flooding as a result of torrential rains inland which have swollen rivers that empty into Winyah Bay and finally out into the ocean.  Residents and business owners spent this weekend moving valuables to higher ground, positioning sandbags, and doing everything possible to prepare for rivers that are anticipated to crest at record flood levels on Wednesday next week.  I was there this weekend and spent time on the Great Peedee, Waccamaw, Sampit and Black Rivers, all already flowing at maximum capacity.  My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Georgetown during this stressful time.