The long road North

Well we left the Cape area three days ago and have traveled approximately 1,000 miles back to Durban, stopping overnight twice on the way. It’s much warmer here, and more humid than in the Cape. The scenery changes so much along the way, from the scrubby Karoo, through the grassy Free State, and finally the midlands of Natal. There has been widespread rain, so all the dams have plenty of water, and even the Karoo – habitually parched – is green and full of puddles. Anyway, we are now trying to figure out what we will do with my remaining few days in South Africa. In the meantime, here is a collage that represents a couple of snapshots of the roadtrip. Some new friends I met at the Skietkuil B&B in the Upper Karoo, the road near Golden Gate in the Free State, and Mum and Dad at a coffee shop in Matjiesfontein, an historic town in the middle of nowhere, where we stopped for lunch. Dad is happily anticipating his next spoonful of icecream!