I am officially on vacation – YES!

Before I left the office this afternoon, I activated my email “on vacation” auto-reply, changed my message on the voicemail “…I will be on vacation until Monday, May 4th …” and hit the road. What a great feeling. I am not looking forward to my 27 hour trip via Detroit and Amsterdam and finally into Cape Town, but heck, I’ll try and make it a worthwhile part of the whole package. This evening, I wanted to try one more time to shoot the Legare Flats, specifically Backman Seafoods for the “2009 Vanishing Landscapes” contest currently underway under the Coastal Conservation League’s banner, but the lighting was flat and boring and I knew before I even headed out there that it wouldn’t work. My friend Cosmo was a good sport and showed up with bucket, fishing rod and beer ready to be my lone angler model on the old, rotten dock. Nothing I shot was worthwhile, but I played with it in Photoshop and ended up with something completely different. OK – cannot procrastinate any longer – gotta pack. Back blogging in a couple of days from way south …