Another busy Saturday

I was on the road back to Edisto this morning by 7am ready to do a different angle on some shots for the Land Exchange magazine. It was a beautiful day – sunny and warm and it felt good to be outdoors. On my way back to Charleston I stopped at a favorite and by now very familiar shooting spot – Christ Church on Highway 174. In spring, the grounds are a riot of color with azaleas, wisteria, dogwoods etc. blooming everywhere as you can see from the photo. The pollen count of course is off the charts but it’s worth it. In the early afternoon I met up with Linda and Melissa for bridal portraits. We moved around all over the place and got some diverse images. The one shown here was taken on the lawn of the Turnbull Mansion on the old Navy base. Another full day tomorrow photographing kids on an Easter egg hunt – I am ready for bed.