Oh no – I’m way behind

With the best of intentions and a willing spirit I still find myself days behind. To the one or two family members who check this blog, and for maybe Laura and Jill, I offer my apologies. I will try and do better in future. Today I spent 8 hours in the car with a photographer friend, Neshe, traveling up to Nags Head, NC where we will be photographing for 3 days with about 100 other photographers from the Carolinas. I think the temperature will be about 23 degrees for our sunrise shoot tomorrow morning, warming up to a toasty 28 degrees maximum later.

So, there will be no shortage of images for the next couple of days postings. For today I have cheated and uploaded one I took yesterday. It is of the inside of Sesame Burger & Beer, a trendy little restaurant in North Charleston where I had lunch with my friend Cathy K.