No – Please don’t jump!

For some reason this morning I was wide awake at 5.30am. The kind of wide awake when you absolutely know there’s no going back to sleep. I figured I may as well spend my time productively so I headed across the connector into the pre-dawn fog with my camera thinking that the marina may look pretty cool as it got a little lighter. I parked my car at the City Marina and trudged warily up the connector with all my gear, wincing as cars and heavy trucks whizzed past, causing the concrete structure to bounce. While I was waiting for more light and thinking I was crazy to be there anyway, a patrol car pulled up to me, blue lights flashing, and the officer got out and approached me with some trepidation. We exchanged pleasantries as though it was the most normal thing in the world; he was solicitous and eager for my assurance that all was well. Turned out that a well-meaning motorist had dialled 911 and reported a possible jumper, I guess not having noticed my camera and tripod in the dark. Anyway we laughed and I could tell he was relieved not to have to deal with a crazy person so early in his day.

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