Summer Family Portraits

Summer is not the ideal time for taking family portraits, but sometimes you just have to fit it into the schedule, and this is the only time that works. Even at 7pm, the sun is still high in the sky and the temperatures are close to 90 degrees in Charleston, never mind the humidity. All of that said, this family did great. The kids were engaged and cooperative, and Mom and Dad never lost their sense of humor.

Just love Family Portraits!

Studio portraits are great because you can exercise so much more control over the environment, lighting, background, etc. Conversely, outdoor portraits are fun because there is an embedded potential for unpredictability, especially when smaller kids are involved! The weather was kinda blah, and the wind was howling, which made for some interesting hair effects. Some images had to be trashed because of Marilyn Monroe type flying hems, but overall I think we captured the essence of family, which after all is the point of the shoot.