Every year I spend a few weeks in South Africa visiting my family. The first two weeks I spent in Durban with my mom, and we spent many hours sitting on her sunny verandah watching the garden birds as well as other random visitors. Here are some pics that I snapped during that time. Next on to Cape Town and a five day stay at Struisbaai, a beautiful little town near Cape Agulhas, the southernmost tip of Africa, where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet.
Tag: monkeys
Monkey Business
We all have our pesky garden critters, and Durban in South Africa is no exception. Yes, they look cute and they sure are smart, but they are also very destructive thieves. I was watching a troop of them this morning as they cavorted in the garden, swinging through branches, smashing through delicate orchids, breaking off choice flowers and munching on them, emptying out the bird feeder and the bird bath. You also can’t go out and leave the kitchen windows open here, otherwise they’ll raid your home and steal the food. I know I should have chased them off, but they were too much fun to photograph!