Summer Family Portraits

Summer is not the ideal time for taking family portraits, but sometimes you just have to fit it into the schedule, and this is the only time that works. Even at 7pm, the sun is still high in the sky and the temperatures are close to 90 degrees in Charleston, never mind the humidity. All of that said, this family did great. The kids were engaged and cooperative, and Mom and Dad never lost their sense of humor.

Charleston Summer Family Wedding

Well, not technically (biologically) family, but we’ve known Jamie for 90% of his life, so he may as well be. After years of searching, he finally found his girl, also called Jayme, spelled differently but pronounced the same. It was an exciting weekend of re-connecting with friends and family, some of whom traveled a long way to be a part of the celebrations. Congrats Mr. & Mrs!

Get Revelation Rockfest 2022

This event was held at the Hanahan Amphitheater last weekend. A bunch of Christian rock groups from mostly Southeastern states entertained the public from 11am in the morning to 11pm that evening. Folks had also set up booths and tents offering merchandise and counseling/prayer, and there were also fun activities for the kids. Great family friendly stuff and everyone had a good time.

Mother and Daughter Shoot

I photographed Sarah when she was pregnant with Jenna about 10 years ago. This lovely young lady is now nine years old. One of the things I most enjoy about portrait photography is the challenge of communicating personality and emotion. These images show so clearly the affection between these two. Thanks Sarah for choosing me through the years to document this journey.