These are the views you can expect to enjoy when you rent an apartment on the twelfth floor of the new Jasper Apartments on Lockwood Boulevard.
Tag: tourism
2nd Sunday on King Street
Continuing my current Spring theme of playing tourist in my town, I joined the happy throng of pedestrians on King Street this afternoon. It was a beautiful day, and you could tell folks were thrilled to be outdoors in this gorgeous weather. It was almost a celebratory atmosphere. I know we complain about the flooding, about the bugs, about the heat, but seriously, there are worse places to live than Charleston. I for one feel fortunate to live here.
A Tourist in my own Town
The weather has been dull and blah for awhile, the way it often behaves when the seasons change, so when the sun peeked out for a day recently, I spent some time wandering the streets of beautiful historic Charleston, and remembering again why so many people visit. Here are some cameos of the classic Holy City tourist experiences.