Bird Key Stono Heritage Preserve

Through most of the year, this small barrier island is just another one of many off the coast of the Carolinas, but during breeding and nesting season, it comes alive with activity. The diversity of shorebirds that crowd this space is nothing short of mind boggling, and the cacophony of squawking is carried on the wind for some distance. The smell also alerts you to your imminent arrival at the shores of the island. It is illegal to land, and really you should not get close enough that you change the natural behavior of the birds. These are a few images from our boat trip out there yesterday evening.

Morris Island Lighthouse comes to life!

I have photographed this iconic lighthouse for years in and out of season, at night, at sunrise, in good and bad weather, but this was the first time I had seen it all lit up, doing what it was built to do. This beloved relic should be fully restored as a necessary and integral part of Charleston’s history. Support “Save the Light” at

Morris Island Lighthouse lit up for 4th July
Morris Island Lighthouse lit up for 4th July

Love taking Family Portraits

I took photos of this little guy before he was born when we did Mom’s maternity portraits, and now he has just turned one. How time flies. So much fun to watch families grow. Here are a few of my favorites from today’s shoot, all converted to black and white or sepia. I find that sometimes color can be a distraction, and monotones allow one to better focus on the expressions and personalities of the subjects.

2nd Sunday on King Street

Continuing my current Spring theme of playing tourist in my town, I joined the happy throng of pedestrians on King Street this afternoon. It was a beautiful day, and you could tell folks were thrilled to be outdoors in this gorgeous weather. It was almost a celebratory atmosphere. I know we complain about the flooding, about the bugs, about the heat, but seriously, there are worse places to live than Charleston. I for one feel fortunate to live here.

A Tourist in my own Town

The weather has been dull and blah for awhile, the way it often behaves when the seasons change, so when the sun peeked out for a day recently, I spent some time wandering the streets of beautiful historic Charleston, and remembering again why so many people visit.  Here are some cameos of the classic Holy City tourist experiences.

HMS Bounty visits Charleston

There’s something so romantic about tall ships, at least in my mind.  If I’d had to live aboard one a couple of hundred years ago I would probably feel quite differently.  Anyway I had the opportunity to photograph the Bounty as she approached the Charleston harbor, here for a few days. The trip turned into quite an adventure however as we stayed too long out to sea and got caught in the approaching front coming home.  We put down on Daniel Island and waited it out in the driving rain while the lightning zinged all around us.  After awhile, we got a break in the storm, not much, but enough to make it safely home to the airport.  Just another day at the office ….